Jeep Momma Reviews

Years ago I spent hours reflecting on my life trying to discover my new passion and purpose. Knowing your purpose in life can take a lifetime for some. Your purpose is the central motivating aim of your life.

Purpose is the reason you get up in the morning!  
Purpose can guide your life decisions. 
Purpose can create meaning in your life. 
Purpose can be meaningful work.

My purpose changed over time. At one time it was to help make a difference in the world by working in TV news informing people. There were many times it was gratifying like when we helped get a law changed. 

Then I became a mother and aimed to raise healthy, happy children. Then... As children grew older, I didn't know where my place in the world was until after much reflection. Now my purpose is to share, inspire and help others with my blog and YouTube channel. 

This Jeep Girl's words encouraged me! 

 This couple I met randomly at Rausch Creek were excited to meet me as they my YouTube fans.

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