Wednesday, September 25, 2013

15 Ways To Get Healthy

Ways to get healthy - veggis, water & exercise

(Updated December 2023) Getting older is tough -- our bodies aren't the same and when we were younger. With all the processed food and chemicals out there it makes staying fit even tougher. It takes a lot of work to get and stay healthy.   Getting Healthy is more than just eating right and exercise! 

My Top 15 ways to get healthy and stay healthy

Go Organic -- in everyway you can... not just the foods you put into your, body but the things you put on your body.  Those chemicals seep in through your skin and your liver still needs to process them.

Simple Clean Eating 👉 Read More

Run/Walk/Bike -- Aerobic exercise for 30 minutes a day -- at least 3 days a week.

Weight Training -- Get your muscle back! The more muscle you have the more energy you burn.

Toning Exercises -- Getting old means getting cellulite.  Don't fall for those creams or lotions.  The only way to get rid of it is to tone those thighs and butt! AND... Stretch, Stretch, Stretch

  • Less Processed Food/Sugar/Flour
  • Use Sunscreen
  • Eat less calories after 5pm
  • Eat Less salt
  • Eat more fish
  • Bake or broil your meat
  • Eat less red meat
  • Make more friends/Hang out with your friends more
  • Make time for yourself to relax everyday
  • Get more sleep
  • Get outdoors and spend time with your family 

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