Monday, September 22, 2014

Barricade Jeep Rock Sliders Install

A Must Modification for Off-Roaders

My new rock sliders

The folks at ExtremeTerrain  sent me a pair of rock sliders -- the Barricade Rock Sliders -- to review.

Jeep Momma holding her new rock sliders

Jeep Body Mount Bolt

Step 1 

First step was to remove the factory plastic steps. I broke out the tools I needed and sat down to work. I attached the ratchet to the bolt and began to pull... and pull... and pull... and pull... I even swore a bunch of times. I was bound and determined to do this whole change by myself. I was turning the ratchet the wrong way. I got confused laying "upside down" everything is backwards. I was doing lefty loosy righty tighty the wrong way.

Jeep Momma removing the body mount bolt

Once I had that squared away it was a quick and easy removal.

Jeep Momma removing her factory side steps

Step 2

The removal of the body mount bolts. I took the advice of many online Jeepers and sprayed the body mounts with WD 40.

Jeep Momma's dirty hands

I don't think this actually made a difference for my Jeep. It's pretty new and there wasn't really a whole lot of rust. Actually there wasn't any rust but a lot of dirt and mud. I think this was a trick by everyone. The WD 40 created a muddy greasy mess. Or maybe WD 40 isn't really to help loosen things up but to make things messy just so it looks like you were working hard.

Jeep Momma wrenching on her Jeep

The body mount bolts didn't need a whole lot of muscle, with just a little force and lots of grunting they came loose. However, they kept spinning and spinning and spinning. I couldn't figure out what in the world was going on. So again -- I headed back to my computer. I emailed a fellow Jeeper and texted another. After some good tips I went back out and tried again. 

Jeep body mount bolts

With the use of my ratchet and some channel locks -the first bolt popped out. Those body mount bolts are pretty persnickety. They need a firm but gentle pull and out they come.

Body mount bolts and tools

Step 3 

Now it was time to install the Rock Sliders. 

Jeep Momma installing her new rock sliders

I looked around the garage for something to hold up the heavy steel sliders while I attached them to the Jeep. At the time I didn't have jack stands. These would make for a great investment. 

Check out these Jack Stands

It was quite hard since our garage is mostly made up of soccer balls and bikes. This is were the resourcefulness of a mom comes in handy.

Jeep Momma's new rock sliders

I grabbed the rolled up garden hose I bought a couple of weeks ago and an old paint bucket. I lined up the sliders to the body mounts on the Jeep and started the attachment process. 

Step 4

Before the attaching the body mount bolts and sliders to the Jeep the giant washers needed to be put in the sliders. 

Jeep Momma installing sliders

The body mount washers to drop into the round hole of the attachment point of the slider rail. UGH!! It was millimeters off.  It was suggested I use a hammer. BAM! BAM!

Jeep Momma tapping in the washers

It was more of a gentle tap and they were in. 

Close up of tapping in the washers

Step 5

Lining up the bolts. 

Jeep Momma wrenching

I was able to get the first bolt into place, and it started to tighten. Yeah Me!  It was working. Then came the next bolts.

Jeep Momma lining up the sliders

I slide my legs under the slider, and held it up with all my might and started turning the ratchet again. But then... the spinning and spinning and spinning started to happen again. Thank goodness the kids were still at school because you would have thought a pirate was working in our garage. 

Jeep Momma under her Jeep wrenching 

I double checked I had my rights and lefts correct, but it still was spinning and spinning. I headed into the house to get help . I was informed these kind of bolts in the body mount need weight pulling them down to be able to tighten.

Jeep Momma under her Jeep wrenching

Another new lesson working on my Jeep. 

Tightening up the bolts on the sliders

The rest was pretty simple -- a couple of turns of the ratchet and they were done.

Jeep Momma showing off her new sliders

Turns out this was probably the best modification I made to my Jeep. They have protected my Jeep many times as I slide up over and around rocks. 

For more of my modifications check out my Jeep Modifications and Accessories

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 ExtremeTerrain provided the rock sliders for review. No additional compensation received.  All opinions are my own. 

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