Monday, September 8, 2014

Spray Paint vs. Plasti Dip

Comparison Test

My favorite color is purple and decided to add purple accessories to my black Jeep. I planned on turning the silver D-Rings purple. Before I made it permanent I decided to test the color out on some smaller D-rings to see what it would look like. I decided to compare using spray paint versus plasti-dip. Plasti-dip came highly recommended on the internet. 

Can of primer spray paint and my unfinished shackle.
My shackle before spraying primer

I started with the spray paint first. 

Dupli-Color Automotive Self-Etching Primer 
A can Valspar Premium Finish Spray Paint  

I sanded down the D-ring, washed it off, let it dry and proceeded to use the self-etching paint. After a couple of coats and letting it dry thoroughly it was ready for the purple paint. 

Spray painting my shackle purple.
Spray painting my d-ring

The second D-Ring I used Performix Plastic Dip - purple. This did not take as long. I just hung up the d-ring and sprayed. I used about 4 coats per the suggestion on the can. It was a quick and easy process.

Using plasti-dip on the shackle.
Spraying plasti-dip on my d-ring

So after letting them both dry completely, I put them on my Jeep just to see how the purple would look. Now I know these D-rings are smaller than the ones that came with the my bumper, I was getting a feel how the purple would work. 

I felt the spray painted d-ring had a better more professional look then the plasti dip D-ring. I know the plasti dip can be peeled off and it's right back to silver -- the original look. The plastic dip process was a lot less time consuming. 

Two sprayed shackles.
Purple d-rings

The plasti dip D-ring also feels sticky and looks like it will get marked up quicker. All in all I like the look of the spray painted D-ring vs the plasti dip D-ring.

For more tips on how to add color to your Jeep check out my Step-by-Step Guide


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