Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from. ~Seth Godin
What does it mean?
Intentional Choices
Personal Growth
Openness to New Experiences
Steps to Start Living Your Best Life
Declutter your Stuff
Be purposeful about this. Go drawer by drawer, closet by closet. Then do it all again in a couple of months. Emotionally holding on to stuff bogs down your life.
Stop using those excuses, "one day I will use it" or "I spent a lot of money on that I can't". That is living in the past or living in the future. Live in the here and now.
Check out my guide on How to Simplify Your Life
Declutter Your Past Emotions
This was the hardest one for me to do. When I moved to Colorado in 2020 I knew I was on the road to my best life, but something was holding me back. I was blinded by my own emotions. I was grieving a loss, so many losses, my home, my old life, my old friends, my marriage.
I placed a lot of unnecessary guilt on myself. I carried around so much anger from wrongs done to me. I needed to forgive myself and let go of those wrongs before I could truly move on.
Even years later I was still blinded by my own emotions and those emotions grew heavier with more losses. Finding my faith again put me back on the right path.
For some of us it takes years to sort through the past. It's necessary to truly move on.
Declutter Your Time
Reduce your commitments like volunteering or events you attend. Re-evaluate your job. I started slowly with my volunteer commitments. I taught myself to say no. My Maryland job loss was not on purpose but being let go was a blessing in disguise.
For more on how to declutter your life check out my book on Amazon - How to Declutter Your Life a Step by Step Guide.
Declutter Your Electronic Life
Reduce your time on social media, reduce the amount of social media you have, reduce your information overload, and most importantly disconnect from the world once in a while. Information overload can be debilitating.
Declutter Your Relationships
Cut out the negative people in your life. This is a hard one to do, but very necessary. Negative people are very draining emotionally.
Ways to Craft a Life You Don't Need to Escape From
- Make Relationships a Priority.
- Remove Unneeded Possessions from Your Home and Life.
- Make Your Work Your Job.
- Or, See Your Job as Part of Your Work.
- Guard Your Time.
- Take Care of Yourself.
- Appreciate Your Season in Life.
- Understand the Reality of Trials in Life.
- Find Happiness in Your Every Day.
It's all about discovering and recognizing happiness. If we get rid of the clutter we can see the happiness. It can be appreciated in the simple things in life.
Changing our mindset and knowing where to focus the energy is required. It won't happen overnight as it takes a long time to really start feeling true happiness in the simple.
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